Be ready with some stellar answers to this classic interview question

If you're reading this, chances are you've landed an interview. Well done. That's a great achievement. Having prepped and polished your CV, it's now time to prepare for the interview. This can't be understated, as the more time you take to prep, the more impressive your answers will be, and the better impression you'll ultimately make.

Why do companies ask the question “why do you want to work here?”

What is it about this question that makes it a standard one in interviews throughout the UK? Here's a quick checklist of why companies ask this question:

  • To find out more about you

  • To see how well you prepared for the interview

  • To let you showcase how your work ethic, values, and qualities complement the business

  • To analyse your motivation, and pinpoint exactly what it is about their company that drew you to them

  • To determine if you're a good fit, not only for the position, but also for the company as a whole

Top tip: The key to answering the question “why do you want to work here?” is to be well-informed before entering the interview room, then communicating that knowledge to the interviewer whilst marrying it with why you want to work for their company and no one else.

How to answer “why do you want to work here?”: 5 approaches

While we can't cover all eventualities here, as every candidate will have a unique answer to this question, we can provide thought-provoking example answers that should inspire you to tailor them to your own situation:

Hone in on the company's reputation

By focusing on the company's positive aspects, you can demonstrate why you'd be thrilled to work for them, while simultaneously showing that you'd uphold their good reputation as a new employee.

“I love how you're such a progressive company, with sales growing year-on-year, and your plans to expand across Europe. Your company seems to be constantly developing and evolving, and that's what I'm looking for. I'd love to work for a business which is forward-thinking, like yours, and relishes new challenges, as this is something I also strive to do.”

Elaborate on your background concerning the company

Any dealings you've had with the company in the past can come to the fore here. Have you used their services or products as a consumer? If so, emphasise certain aspects that have compelled you to apply for the role.

“I've known about your products for ages, and was so pleased to see your new meal plan subscription service app. With a degree in Digital Marketing and as a keen cook, I'm excited about how this service combines my two great passions. I have experience promoting online brands, and while at uni, I used social media to boost interest in charity coffee mornings, which helped raise over £2,000 across the three years that I was there.”

Top tip: If you haven't got any history with the business, and it's the sort of business where you could, it might be a good idea to try their services or products first before the interview, so you can talk about it honestly.

Emphasise your industry-specific history

It will impress any interviewer if you can talk about your work history within their particular sector, especially if you have a lot of expertise. When answering the question, “why do you want to work here?”, illustrate how your experience puts you head and shoulders above your competitors whilst explaining why you'd be the best candidate for the role.

Numbers have always been my thing. While doing A Level Maths, I'd spend my spare time working out extra Maths problems, and then explaining them to my mother in a clear way so she could understand, despite her having an English degree. I then did a year's placement at an actuary firm, and secured a graduate role at the firm due to my quick grasp of new knowledge and personable manner. Now, as a fully qualified Actuary of some standing, I want to continue to grow my expertise at the type of organisation that allows their employees to flourish. This is where your company comes in. With my burgeoning knowledge and your guidance, I know I can add value.”

Look to the company's future

Answer the “why do you want to work here?” question by talking about how you'd be involved in helping the company achieve future goals. When researching the business, look out for areas where it's expanding or for long-term initiatives, then point out how hiring you will help them reach those objectives.

“I've always believed that everyone has the right to be treated equally, no matter where they come from. I've noticed that your company is looking to expand its work into vulnerable communities, providing those who are more in need with the equal opportunity to access education, and I want to be there right from the start. My project management experience and educational background as a TA would seem to suit this programme down to the ground.”

Customise this more generic reply

If none of the above scenarios fit your remit, tailor this “why do you want to work here?” answer to your own particular circumstances:

“I was immediately drawn to this job as soon as I spotted it. First, your values as an organisation resonate with me, as I believe that the importance of [insert relevant detail here such as sustainability / efficiency / DE&I / innovation] aligns with my professional beliefs. This, in turn, means I want to support these core values, and use them to deliver [insert relevant detail here on products / services] to clients. I've been following the trajectory of the company for [amount of years / months] within the [type of sector], and have been impressed with the consistent delivery of high-quality products that make a difference to clients' lives. The job description aligns with my skill set, and I find the challenges mentioned to be motivating and inspirational. believe my expertise and qualities will enable me to excel in this position.”

Do's and don'ts when answering “why do you want to work here?”

  • Do be specific when answering, “why do you want to work here?” as it shows you've done proper research, and given a lot of thought to what this position could mean to you.

  • Don't say it's because you hate your old job and your boss is a nightmare to work with, so anywhere would be better than there.

  • Do take the opportunity to highlight your best traits that mirror the job requirements, as well as the ethos and values of the company.

  • Don't say that salary or benefits are the reason for wanting to work there.

  • Do portray confidence, even if you're shaking with nerves. Explain calmly why this role is so important to you, and that you see yourself having a future with the organisation.

  • Don't say that you're taking the job just because you need anything to tide you over, as this will not go down well with the interviewers.

Top tip: Do send a follow-up email after the interview, reiterating your eagerness in securing the role, as this will demonstrate your keenness.

You should now have a good idea of how to answer the question, “why do you want to work here?” during an interview. If you'd like to brush up your CV, send it for a free review and receive handy tips and advice on how to shine to get the interview you want!

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