Answer this tricky question like a pro with our guide and sample answers!

You're about halfway through the interview, and things have been going well. You've talked about your strengths and weaknesses, your previous roles, and your skills. Then, quite unexpectedly, the interviewer throws you a curveball with the proverbial “what motivates you?” interview question. So, how do you answer it? Let's take a look at why interviewers ask this question, some examples of answers you might give, and general advice on how to navigate this common scenario.

Why do interviewers ask this question?

From your CV alone, the interviewer would already know about your skills and experience. However, one thing they can't exactly glean from it is what motivates you. Employers are interested in this question as your answer reveals a lot about your character and future goals. Let's take a look at the main reasons an interviewer will ask you this all-important question: 

To assess your long-term potential

Recruiting new employees costs businesses greatly. The latest figures from the British Business Bank shows that, on average, recruiters charge a fee of 20-30% of the employee's starting salary. Put simply, employers don't want to continually pay for new hires. The “what motivates you?” interview question can help them discern whether you intend to stay with them for the long haul. 

To give you a chance to self-reflect 

Employers want candidates who have a level of self-reflection. That means the ability to look at your skills and experience and deeply understand what drives you forward. When they ask the “what motivates you?” question, they're looking to find out what you think of yourself. For that reason, you need to give them a clear and well thought-out answer.

To learn about your work performance

Yes, your track record shows the hiring manager what they can expect from you, but they also want to know how they can continue getting the best out of you. When you explain what motivates you and these achievements, you're giving the interviewer a taste of how you like to work. Should they hire you, they'll know how to adapt to your needs, which will save both of you time later on. 

To see whether you fit into the company culture 

Every company has a unique culture. As a potential employee, the interviewer wants to know whether you can fit into that. The culture includes how they work with employees, the goals they set, and how they monitor that. Your answer to the “what motivates you?” interview question allows them to gauge what you expect from an employer and how you work, giving them insights into your overall compatibility with the team.

“What motivates you?” sample answers

When faced with the “what motivates you?” interview question, you might not know where to start. Luckily, there are many different ways to approach your answer. Here are some short answer examples to get you started:

Sample answer 1: motivated by the team 

I'm motivated by driving a team toward success. In my previous role as sales manager at Mac and Suze, I led a small but adaptable team, offering support and guidance to staff members. I was responsible for arranging regular meetings and providing each salesperson with detailed and unique feedback based on their selling style. As a result of my hard work and dedication, the team exceeded its quarterly sales targets by 7% in the months after I took the position. Seeing the efforts of the entire team pay off motivated me to keep moving forward in that role.

Sample answer 2: motivated by new experiences 

As a senior tech developer, I am continuously inspired and amazed by the advancements in the sector. I thrive on learning new things and further developing my skill set in this area. The field has changed remarkably since I started my first role 10 years ago and, as such, I've had no choice but to change with the times. Last year, I embarked on a coding bootcamp to bring my existing skills up to market level and have since continued to expand my language knowledge. I believe that we should never stop learning – even in adulthood – and am motivated by this fact.

Sample answer 3: motivated by healthy competition 

I'm motivated by healthy competition with coworkers. As a legal professional, I'm no stranger to working in a highly competitive field and having to prove my worth at every turn. I am inspired by the remarkable professionals around me and the impeccable standards of work they offer to the firm. Seeing my contemporaries continually raise the bar and reach new goals is what drives me forward. I always make sure that my work exceeds both company and my own expectations 

Sample answer 4: motivated by helping others 

When I first decided to dedicate myself to the charity sector, my central goal was to make a notable difference to the lives of others. During my time at Oxfam, I was lucky enough to travel to Kenya and see the charity in action and understand the large-scale impact that the initiatives had upon communities and projects. Knowing that I'm part of an organisation that supports and makes a positive difference in the world is all the motivation I need to work hard. 

Sample answer 5: motivated by strong leadership 

In my previous role at Lewis Inc., I worked under a truly inspiring and motivating manager. Seeing the work that he put into the role showed me that you can achieve great things within your professional life. During my quarterly meetings with this manager, I was able to set clear long-term goals for myself and gain the support I needed to excel in the field. So, to answer your question, I would say that I'm motivated by strong leadership. Now that I'm looking for my next step, I am seeking a workplace environment which values a sturdy management style. 

Sample answer 6: motivated by recognition 

I believe in the power of recognition and this is something that has always motivated me throughout my career. In my last role, I was awarded the title of “Employee of the Month” three times over the course of the two years I worked there. The award came with additional benefits, including a gift card and an extra day of holiday. The pursuit of these bonuses pushed me forward in the position, propelling me towards my ultimate success.

How to answer “what motivates you?”: tips and advice

Now that you've looked at the “what motivates you?” sample answers, let's talk about how you can approach this question. Check out our tips below when preparing your answer to this question: 

Consider the company itself 

Before you decide how to answer this question, consider the business, its vision, and values. What does this employer expect from staff members? Understanding the expectations of the role will help you decide how to answer the “what motivates you?” interview question

Be honest about your motivation 

Chances are, you're motivated by a salary and regular benefits. However, those are not what this question is about. Those may be your motivation for turning up to work each day but reflect on what it is that inspires you to work hard and excel in the role. Think long and hard about what drives you. The more time you take to consider this question, the more genuine your answer will be. 

Draw on your previous experience

When answering this question, it's always smart to add some colour into your answer. Share stories or anecdotes that illustrate how you've been motivated in the past. This approach helps your answer stand out from the crowd. Remember that they'll be asking lots of people to answer this question, and so you need to make sure that your answer is memorable

Keep your answer short and sweet 

Don't make the mistake of babbling or over-explaining your answer. Nobody has the time for that. The interviewer will expect you to have prepared in advance. Show that you've done that by delivering a quick and simple answer that offers them a wealth of value. 

Prep to impress!

Don't let the “what motivates you?” interview question catch you off guard. Many interviewers now use this one to find out more about your work ethic and style. By preparing a solid answer in advance, you can make sure that you don't stumble here. Use our examples as inspiration for your answer and follow the advice that we've shared to nail your answer. 

Still searching for your next job? Make sure that your CV is tailored to that vacancy. Send it for a free CV review by one of our experts, and get the insights you need to make your application stand out. 

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