Show hiring managers that you're a team player with these essential skills!
Every candidate claims to be a great team player. But it actually takes a selection of different skills to be one. So how do you tell a potential employer that you have what it takes to work with the greater team? Let's take a look at 15 examples of team working skills to include on your CV, and how you can improve them.
What are teamwork skills?
There are few jobs out there in which you work completely alone. Most of the time, we rely on others to help us complete our tasks – teamwork skills are the key traits that allow us to do this; these are skills that enable both you and your co-workers to thrive professionally and achieve results together.
Why teamwork skills matter
Every employer out there knows that people need to work together to accomplish business goals. That's why showcasing collaborative skills on your CV could be the difference between landing an interview or getting rejected.
The importance of teamwork cannot be overemphasised. Our teamwork skills help us:
- Liaise with coworkers. When you work in a busy environment, it's important that everyone stays in the loop. Team working skills enable you to liaise between departments and keep track of project tasks and timelines with others.
- Build relationships. Succeeding in the workplace is all about networking and building strong relationships. Only when you know how to work well with others can you start making meaningful connections with professionals from varied specialties and backgrounds.
- Be productive. No one is an island. While you might think that you can work entirely alone, that's oftentimes not the case. You'll need others' inputs or expertise along the way too. If you want to boost your productivity, it's vital that you have the right teamwork skills under your belt.
15 team working skills you need to master
Now that you know why team working skills matter, let's take a look at the most common ones that you may add to your CV. There's a whole lot that goes into being a great team player, so we've compiled some of the most sought-after competencies that can help you showcase your ability to work well with others.
1. Communication
First up is one of the most vital team working skills: communication. Both your verbal and written communication should be on point. That way, you can share information with your co-workers, avoid any confusion, and work towards a shared goal. Plainly put, you'll find it difficult to work with other people without proper communication skills. Find the right balance when interacting with others – you should be direct and assertive, but never aggressive.
2. Empathy
In simple terms, empathy is the ability to understand other people's emotions or thoughts. When you're working with a team, chances are you might not always see eye-to-eye with each member. That's perfectly okay. However, you should always try to be empathetic towards your co-workers and see things from their point of view. Research suggests that empathetic leadership is best demonstrated by someone who's approachable, and has good communication and listening skills.
3. Honesty
Owning up to your mistakes is vital in a team environment. The truth of the matter is that we all make errors. You might miss a deadline or forget to make a call. It happens. Now, what you must not do in this scenario is try to shift the blame onto someone else. Honest employees will speak up when they've made an error and apologise for it right away.
4. Active listening
Active listening is essential to teamwork. When you're having a conversation with a co-worker, it's important to give them the space and attention to say their piece. Rather than merely waiting for a gap so you can start speaking again, really listen to what they have to say. You can also gauge how they truly feel by being attentive to, and taking cues from, their non-verbal expressions.
5. Self-awareness
Self-awareness is the ability to reflect on yourself and the role that your actions play. For example, if you're working with others on a project, you need to deeply understand how your contributions affect the end goal. Self-awareness allows your team to be more effective overall, and it's a core skill that you can work on.
6. Time management
How is your time management? Are you always running late? Do you consistently miss deadlines? Are you unsure of how to prioritise your workload? If you struggle in this area, you may find yourself unable to gel well in a team as you're each relying on each other to complete certain tasks.
A person falling behind has a direct impact on the rest of the team. While some people are naturally organised and can easily manage their schedules, mastering this skill can be harder for others. Luckily, there are ways to improve your time management at work. You may want to use certain apps to track your everyday tasks, for example.
7. Reliability
One of the most important team working skills out there, reliability is often a byproduct of proper time management. As we've already covered, your team is relying on you to pull your weight. If you can't do that, you can bring the whole team down. Being reliable is about delivering what you've promised when you've promised it. When each member of the group does just that, it can quickly lead to great teamwork.
8. Organisation
Great organisation is one of the core teamwork skills every professional needs. While you may well have a line manager directly above you, you need to take ownership of your schedule. Apart from using workflow management tools with your team, such as Asana or Monday, you may also want to consider using personal apps to help boost your productivity.
It's important to recognise that we all have different approaches to work. Figure out how you can best organise your workload and which working style helps you to perform more effectively with others.
9. Problem solving
When looking at teamwork examples in real life, problem-solving scenarios always crop up. Why? Because you'll likely encounter obstacles whenever you're working with other people. You may find your work styles clashing or struggle to keep others on the same page or working harmoniously. Whatever the issue is, your problem-solving skills will help you to work around it swiftly.
10. Critical thinking
Critical thinking is your ability to apply logic to any given situation. Professionals who are good at teamwork have this trait. It means that you can quickly analyse situations as they arise and come up with the best possible solution. If you work in a fast-paced sector, where decisions need to be made ASAP, this skill can inspire those around you towards action, leading to great teamwork and results.
11. Respect
Respect is the foundation of any professional relationship. When you're working as part of a team, you need to show a level of respect for what everyone else can bring to the table.
There's no room for lone wolves here. Acknowledge that each member of the team has an important role to play and give them the support they need. Sure, you might not want to be best mates with everyone you work with, but you must show everyone the same respect that you'd expect from them.
12. Conflict resolution
More than one in three workers experience conflict in the workplace. Yes, you might have to deal with a difficult co-worker or a manager who has a completely different agenda from you. Either way, being able to address and resolve these differences is the answer.
If you have excellent interpersonal skills, you should have no problem overcoming these challenges. It's unrealistic to think that you'll always get along with everyone; in a professional setting, you'll always need to be open to managing any potential disagreements.
13. Tolerance
Tolerance is all about embracing diversity and having an open-minded attitude. When you're working as part of a team, it's likely that you'll meet people from a range of backgrounds and with varying perspectives. Understanding that people are different is the first step in developing this skill. Some organisations also offer diversity training courses.
14. Leadership
Every team needs a strong, competent leader. Leadership is one of those teamwork soft skills that allows you to make an impact while helping you advance in your career. While you shouldn't take over every project without permission, having some leadership skills and qualities will help drive the entire team forward. If you can communicate well and motivate your co-workers, you can achieve results faster and potentially position yourself for a promotion.
15. Collaboration
If you're working as part of a team, you need to know how to collaborate. In basic terms, that means engaging in dialogues, exchanging ideas, and finding solutions with others. You might use all of the other team working skills when you're collaborating. For instance, you will likely have to communicate with others, listen to their concerns, be reliable in completing your tasks, and more.
How to improve your teamwork skills
We've already shared some of the best examples of team working skills in the workplace, but it doesn't end there. If you're hoping to improve your teamwork skills, here are some tricks to try:
- Ask for constructive feedback. Speak to other members of the team and see how you could improve. The answers may surprise you. This will help you to be clear on your duties and how they impact the wider team.
- Focus on your connections. It's always important to build positive relationships with your coworkers. When working on team projects, consider how you can make other people's jobs easier without stepping on their toes.
- Take some responsibility. We all make mistakes, but do you know how to own yours? When you mess up, the best course of action is to take ownership of it and then learn from it. This not only benefits you but also the team you're working with.
Become an active listener. If you're not naturally an active listener, now's the time to change that. Practise your listening skills on a daily basis. When someone else is speaking, stay quiet and take mental notes. You can repeat what they say afterwards to ensure that the two of you are on the same page.
Keep your eyes on the (shared) prize. Work towards a shared goal – not your own agenda. While it's good to have goals of your own, you always need to have the group's interests at heart. If you use this as a rule of thumb, you're sure to go far.
Showcase your teamwork skills
Teamwork is essential for any organisation to thrive. Now that you know what the most sought-after team working skills are, why not pepper your CV with them? If you're not yet confident about your abilities to work with others, consider the ways you can enhance your existing skill set today. Remember that wherever you are in your career right now, there will always be room to grow with – and within – a team.
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