Discover what a Europass CV is and how to write one

Have you ever wondered how to apply for a job in Europe? Meet the Europass CV – a universally recognised CV format used across all European countries (excluding the UK). It's designed to simplify the job application process across Europe with standardisation. But before deciding if the Europass CV format is right for you, read on to explore what it is, how it differs from a standard UK CV, and weigh its advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Europass CV?

A Europass CV is a standardised CV format developed by the European Union to simplify and streamline the European job application process. It was created to provide an internationally accepted CV format in Europe to aid job mobility across the region.

In short, a Europass CV format ensures your qualifications and experience are easily understood across European countries, regardless of where you apply.

The Europass CV is part of a broader initiative called Europass, which is a free set of online tools for managing and planning your career in Europe. You create a Europass profile online to record and update your skills, experiences, and qualifications in one location. Using this profile, you can then develop documents, like the Europass CV, to submit to prospective employers.

Who should use a Europass CV format?

If you're based in the UK and looking to pursue a role in Europe, a Europass CV could be a valuable tool. 

Employers in France, Germany, and other EU countries are familiar with the Europass CV, so it can enhance your application by helping to bridge any potential gaps in understanding due to different educational or professional standards. 

However, the Europass CV is not widely recognised in the UK, so you'll need to decide if it's the right choice for your application. While you can use the Europass CV builder to create a CV that resembles a UK format, we advise against sharing your Europass profile with prospective UK employers, as it's not standard practice here.

What's the difference between a standard CV & a Europass CV?

Here are the key differences between a standard CV in the UK and a Europass CV:


Standard CV

Europass CV


Tailored to individual job requirements

Specifically designed for European mobility and consistency

Ideal for

Domestic job applications and industry-specific roles

Jobs across Europe and multinational companies

Format and structure

Flexible format and customisable to your needs

Limited formatting and layout options

Design flexibility

Can be tailored to specific roles or industries

Limited to 4 template options and 6 colours

Language options

Typically written in one language

Easily created in multiple languages (currently supports 31 languages)


Widely accepted in the UK

Recognised across Europe

Section customisation

Entirely customisable and can be personalised with additional sections

Preset sections, with option to add custom sections (some fields can't be removed)

Ease of use

Requires manual formatting and updates

Online tool simplifies creation and updates

How to write a Europass CV

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write a Europass CV when applying for European jobs. You'll notice that it's a very similar process to writing a standard CV

1. Access the Europass CV tool

Your Europass CV must be created via the Europass online CV tool. Head to the website, create a profile, and follow the prompts to populate the forms with your information.

2. Add your personal information

Enter your personal information, including your full name, address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL. Europass will also allow you to include a headshot if you wish. Make sure your contact details are accurate so employers can respond!

Europass will also let you add your gender, date of birth, and nationality. It's up to you whether to include it. While we would advise omitting this information, in some European countries, it's standard practice to include details like this on your CV, so check before you send it.

3. List your work experience

As with a standard CV, your work experience comes next. Working in reverse chronological order, start with your most recent role. For each position, include your job title, company name, employment dates, and key achievements. 

We recommend using bullet points to highlight your achievements to make this section easy to read. Strengthen each point with tangible facts and figures, and use action verbs to demonstrate your impact. Steer clear of generic CV phrases and cliches – focus on what truly sets your contributions apart. 

4. Add your education and training

In this section, list your educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent qualification. For each entry, include the institution's name, the qualification title, your grades or pass mark (if applicable), and the date it was awarded or the years of study.

Remember, your education and training aren't limited to formal schooling. Feel free to include any additional courses or training relevant to the job you're pursuing, as these can further demonstrate your qualifications and commitment to continuous learning.

5. Showcase your skills and competencies

Use this section to highlight relevant skills the prospective employer will value. The Europass CV is excellent for categorising skill sets into language skills, digital skills, and other relevant abilities. 

Include your level of competence for each skill and consider including examples of how you have used these skills in the workplace like you would in a functional CV.

6. See if additional sections are needed

If adding more details about your personal or professional life would strengthen your application, you can include them. The Europass CV builder lets you add additional sections such as:

7. Review and finalise

Before you download and send your Europass CV, review everything! Proofread your CV to check for spelling and grammar errors, ensure all information is accurate, and make sure it looks professional and polished.

Advantages & disadvantages of using a Europass CV

As a UK professional, a Europass CV might not be the ideal format for job applications within the UK. However, if you're targeting opportunities in Europe and opting for a Europass CV, it's important to consider the following pros and cons before you commit:

Advantages of a Europass CV format

Here are the pros of using the Europass CV format:

  • Standardisation across Europe: The Europass CV is a standardised format recognised across Europe, making it easier for employers to evaluate and compare your qualifications

  • Multilingual options: Europass enables you to create your CV in 31 languages, which is a huge advantage if you're applying for a job where English isn't the primary language

  • Clarity and uniformity: The Europass CV's clear, structured format helps European employers quickly understand your qualifications, making your application more effective

  • Ease of use: The Europass CV online tool simplifies the process of writing and updating your CV as it guides you through what to include

Disadvantages of a Europass CV format

Here are the cons of using the Europass CV format:

  • Limited customisation: The standardised format of a Europass CV means it's difficult to tailor your CV to different roles or industries

  • Design restrictions: The Europass CV template is limited to four designs, six colours, and three font sizes, which limits your ability to include creative or personalised touches that could help you stand out

  • Wasted space: The format often leaves the right side of the page blank and big gaps between sections, which might mean you're struggling to keep your CV to two pages

  • PDF-only format: The Europass CV can only be saved and downloaded as a PDF from the CV builder section, limiting flexibility compared to the more widely preferred and editable Word file formats

What is the alternative to a Europass CV?

While the Europass CV offers a standardised and widely recognised format, it's not the best fit for UK employers and some European markets. Instead, a more tailored and visually engaging CV can better highlight your unique skills and fit for the role.

Consider these alternatives to the Europass CV:

  • Chronological CV: This type of CV focuses on your career progression in reverse chronological order, which helps employers easily track your recent roles and accomplishments

  • Functional CV: This type of CV centres on your skills and achievements rather than job titles and dates. It's ideal if you're changing careers or have gaps in your work history

  • Tailored professional CV: A CV customised to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and career goals can make a more substantial impact and help you stand out

A CV review and writing service like TopCV can be a great way to explore your options beyond the Europass CV. We not only help you create a professional CV that's not only aligned with industry standards but also tailored to your specific career goals. With expert guidance, you'll have a CV that stands out and increases your chances of securing interviews.

Explore our CV writing services and work with a professional CV writer to create a CV that best represents your professional journey and supports your career aspirations. Or submit your CV for a free review to see how it measures up.

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